Doug Maglich

" As a Florida Certified building contractor I have owned my own business and understand the challenges that go along with running a business. I work closely with policy holders and utilize my safety knowledge, training, and experience in providing valuable insight in assisting them with enhancing and improving their overall safety program and ultimately reduce the potential for workplace injuries."

Doug Maglich

Senior Safety Consultant
Cell 813-482-7796
16 years of experience


West-Central Florida
Based in Sarasota, Florida


BS, Criminal Justice, Florida State University, Tallahassee


Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist (CEAS)
MEDIC First Aid authorized trainer
Member, American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE)
National Safety Council Defensive Driving Course Instructor
OSHA Outreach Instructor (10 and 30 hour Construction) with over 150 hours of training in General Industry and Construction Safety Standards

7 Questions with Doug Maglich [Solutionist Spotlight]

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