7 Questions with Michael Slappey

7 Questions with Michael Slappey

In this Solutionist Spotlight, we’re catching up with Production Underwriter Michael Slappey. Based in Florida, he’s known for a big voice and an even bigger heart. Learn more about him in his answers to our 7 questions below. Michael Slappey

Solutionist Spotlight: Michael Slappey

  1. What makes FFVA Mutual different from other workers’ comp carriers?
    Most other carriers have a focus on growth, and to that end, they develop relationships along the way. I think FFVA Mutual is the opposite of that. Our focus is relationships, and in building those relationships along the way we achieve growth. Financial growth is important to every company, but that is a by-product from helping agencies, policyholders, and injured workers in an open and honest way.

  2. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    A superhero. Or a lawyer. I just wanted to help people. And argue – I used to like to argue a lot. I think I’ve outgrown that. But my wife would disagree.

  3. Do you have a favorite quote or line from a movie?
    I’m one of those guys who likes to quote movies all of the time, so I have a lot to pull from. The first one that pops into my head, though, is “Luck often enough will save a man – if his courage holds” from The 13th Warrior. It’s a little obscure, but I think there’s a bit of wisdom in that line.

  4. How do you define success?
    Contentment. Achieving whatever it is that makes you happiest. Whether its money or travel or family or collecting something, success is different for everyone. For me it’s a balance of all of those things.

  5. If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see?
    The building of the pyramids. How’d they do that? I can’t imagine the massive scale of work and engineering involved. Sure, there are other impressive man-made structures that are equally amazing – like the Colosseum and the Great Wall – but the pyramids are older than those by thousands of years. Thousands.

  6. What is your greatest achievement?
    My sons. Watching them grow into young men, making good choices, becoming adults. I’ve had a part in that and still do as they come to me for advice or just to hang out. I’m very proud of them.

  7. What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?
    Take more chances. Be a little more fearless. There’s nothing more nagging than, “I wish I would have…”

BONUS: If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Cheeseburger and fries. Hands down, no contest. There’s a reason an entire industry – fast food – developed based on this delicious food-coma inducing power combo!

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