7 Questions with Gen Stanley

7 Questions with Gen Stanley

This month, we’re catching up with claims adjuster Gen Stanley. While new to the FFVA Mutual family, Gen has 35+ years’ experience in workers’ comp and is a seasoned pro at claims handling. Located out of Kentucky, Gen manages claims in Kentucky, Mississippi and Alabama.

Get to know her better and find out what makes her a Solutionist and “detectorist” in this Spotlight.

Gen Stanley

Solutionist Spotlight: Gen Stanley

  1. What 3 traits define you?
    Straightforwardness, optimism and curiosity.

  2. What do you think are the most important qualities for success?
    To me, the most important qualities are integrity, professionalism and honesty. I think being straight-up with everyone you’re dealing with is the best route to take in every situation.

  3. What is your favorite part about working for a workers’ comp carrier?
    By specializing in one product, we bring an expertise to the table that other carriers in a multi-line company cannot. It is fulfilling to have a proficiency in workers’ comp that is second-nature and it is very satisfying to bring that skill to the policyholder or agent and be a resource for that need.

  4. What makes FFVA Mutual different from other workers’ comp carriers?
    What makes FFVA Mutual different is that we really do care about our customers; the agents, the policyholders, the injured workers, and each other. Relationships at Work isn’t just a motto, its reality here – we consistently demonstrate a willingness to partner through safety and claims management with our customers, at the same time lifting each other up.

  5. Do you have a favorite quote or line from a movie?
    My favorite quote from a movie is one that I took my grandkids to see – Toy Story. Buzz says to Andy “This is no time to panic” and Andy says “This is the perfect time to panic!” All these years later, all I have to say is “This is no time to panic” and they always say “This is the perfect time to panic, Granny!”

  6. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time
    I like to go metal detecting. My husband and I are “detectorists” and we are members of the Facebook page Kentucky Dirt Diggers. (I actually wear a T-shirt that says DIG IT!) We enjoy going to old sites and digging up relics and old coins. Last weekend we went to an old park here in Lexington and I uncovered an 1898 nickel. It was in perfect shape, and to think someone dropped that over a 120 years ago is just astonishing. I love that it’s not in the ground any longer.

  7. What is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?
    My favorite travel experience was on a Mediterranean cruise. My husband and I went for ten days to Barcelona, Spain and we traveled through France and Italy. We took excursions every day and we were on the move from sunrise to sunset. The Vatican was larger than life and the coast of Amalfi is magical. It was the most beautiful trip and I would recommend it to everyone!

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