7 Questions with Elenor April

7 Questions with Elenor April

In this Solutionist Spotlight, we’re catching up with Underwriter Elenor April. Learn more about her with answers to our 7 questions below.

Solutionist Spotlight: Elenor April

    1. What do you think is the most important quality needed for success?
      I believe its integrity. It shows the true character and strength of person. Working in the insurance industry, I believe one should be truthful and consistent in one’s dealings. Good, lasting relationships are built that way.
    2. What’s your favorite aspect of your job?
      Reviewing quotes. It’s almost as though I’m meeting and getting to know someone new every day.
    3. What’s your favorite memory/moment about a solution you helped an agent, insured, claimant with?
      My favorite part is helping agents find the correct class code. Though I know many, some codes that I come across I have to research. It’s a learning moment. Learning keeps the mind fresh.
    4. Which day of the work week are you the most productive?
      Tuesday. After getting over the Monday morning blues and the sputters of the afternoon, I’m charged up and cruising on Tuesday.
    5. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
      An attorney. I can’t remember why. As I got older, I changed and my life changed. Being a Solutionist at FFVA Mutual is the best thing ever.
    6. What do you like to do in your spare time?
      Puzzles. They are just fun.
    7. Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?
      Puerto Rico. I was born in Barbados, West Indies and came to the U.S. when I was seven years old. When I saw the clear blue water, it reminded me of my childhood/of the beach. It was refreshing.

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