7 Questions with Amy Croeze

7 Questions with Amy Croeze

In this Solutionist Spotlight, we’re catching up with Premium Billing/Audit Review Associate Amy Croeze. Learn more about her in her answers to our 7 questions below. Amy Croeze

Solutionist Spotlight: Amy Croeze

  1. What do you think is the most important quality needed for success? I think an important quality needed for success is to have a positive attitude. It is easier to get along with people that have a positive attitude and makes for a much better work environment. It is also helpful when navigating through change.
  2. What is your favorite aspect of your job? My favorite aspect of my job is the people I work with. Everyone is always friendly and willing to help.
  3. What is your favorite memory/moment about a solution you helped an agent, insured, claimant with? I help agents and insureds everyday with their questions, so there is not one situation that stands out more than another. I enjoy finding solutions for their questions and if I do not know the answer, I will find out!
  4. Which day of the workweek are you the most productive? Monday. Hopefully I’m equally as productive the other days of the week but I think Monday since I’ve had the weekend to recover/refresh from the week before.
  5. What do you like to do in your spare time? I like spending time with family & friends, watching sports, and taking care of my fur babies (2 dogs – Winnie & Blazer, 1 cat – Sylvester and an Amazon Parrot – Rico). I especially love watching my kid’s sports activities. My son, Alexander, plays basketball and my daughter, Ava, plays soccer.
  6. What is your most treasured possession? A heart necklace filled with my dad’s ashes.
  7. Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why? I was a flight attendant for a few years, so I was able to travel to a few interesting places. However, the place I like the most is where my husband is from, Aruba. The beaches are beautiful, the weather is always nice and the native Arubians are extremely friendly. Especially to the tourists, since that is a big part of their economy.
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